Air Pollution
Every year on 5th June we celebrate World Environment Day. We talk about keeping the environment clean on that day but in reality, we damage our environment. The environment has become highly polluted due to the introduction of pollutants into the environment. It causes impermanence, disorder, harm, or discomfort to the physical systems. This pollution is broad of four types. Air pollution is one of them. No creature can live without air. It is a life-giving force.
Air pollution is the poisoning of air by harmful, substances like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, lead, etc. The burning of fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, and wood produces most of these damageable gases. The chemicals, oil, and luxuriant industries are more damageable and present highly. Air is the most important element of the environment for the ailment of life on earth. In fresh air, the proportion of unalike elements like oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases is fixed and limited. Air pollution is the mixing of any damaging element with the atmosphere, which affects the fresh air, human health, quality of life, etc. on a large scale, when refined air polluted due to dust, smoke, mills and factories, toxic gases, motor vehicles, etc, then it’s called air pollution. Air can pollute in many ways.
Air pollution occurs when different types of pollution are released into the environment around us. Air pollution is extremely harmful to human health and the environment. Plants and forests filter this polluted air. But sadly, deforestation is rampant around the world. Due to this, it is not possible to filter the polluted air. That is why air pollution is growing day by day. Air pollution is more harmful to humans than any other pollution. Lots of people die every year as a result of this air pollution. No bird fouls its nest, goes a proved. Man has plundered this planet for a long, and now the planet is taking revenge. A breaking point onwards the air pollution. The factory chimneys and cook ovens emit smoke, toxic chemical fumes the pollute the air. Smoke containing carbon dioxide causes air pollution. Besides, industries contribute to global warming.
The excessive presence of damageable gases in the air has caused global warming which has resulted in climatic changes and impurity of the environment. Global Warming means the worldwide - wide rising of the typical atmospheric temperature. The primary reason behind this rise in temperature is the discharge of greenhouse gases like carbon - dioxide, and methane. The ozone layer of the earth boosts cosmic research resulting in the warming of the atmosphere. At the end of the rise in the temperature polar ice - caps and icebergs meltdown and the water - level in seas and rivers swells. There is a grim possibility that sea and riverside cities in the world may destroy and submerged sooner or later due to this rising of the water - level. A natural tragedy like Tsunami, earthquake may also result from global warming.
Air pollution damages our lungs. People trouble from a lot of respiratory diseases, headaches, loss of appetite, and so on. The very high concentration of Sulphur dioxide causes damageable acid rain. Nitrogen dioxide retards the growth of vegetation. Many animal and plant species have been destroyed on this planet.
Air supplies oxygen cools the body and helps sustain body temperature. Clean air helps us to us breathe property. So pure air is a priceless necessity. It lies in our hands to save it. People of the cities are the sufferers. Some of the symptoms of air pollution are eye irritation, shortness of breath, and difficulty in breathing.
Air pollution is a mixture of any harmful substance with the atmosphere which is gradually polluting and the fresh air. Air pollution is an imprecation of the modern age. It is a mega problem all over the world. Of late it has captured a dreadful situation. The greatest reason behind air pollution is over-industrialization.
There are two causes of air pollution, natural causes, and man-made causes. Some types of air pollution, such as wildfire smoke or volcanic ash, sea and ocean salinity, soil particles, storms, occur naturally. And some types of air pollution that humans create are industry, agriculture, energy plants, automated vehicles, smoke, dust, ash, particulate matter, gas from the kitchen, household heat, smoke from various vehicles, use of pesticides, toxic gases used to kill weeds, etc.
Primary pollution directly attacks fresh air and smoke, ash, dust, smoke, mist, spray, inorganic gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, are ejected from the nitric oxide and radioactive compounds.
Secondary pollutants affect the air secondarily by chemically reacting with primary factors such as sulfur trioxide, ozone, hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, etc.
Some other Causes:
Burning of garbage - Burning garbage is a common cause of air pollution. When non-categorized garbage (which contains plastic, clothes, or various other materials) is burnt, it produces different damageable gases, adding to air pollution.
Household products causing air pollution - Many household products give to air pollution inside our homes. Products like wall paints, detergents, floor cleaners, etc., contribute to air pollution by emitting chemicals that are damageable to our health.
Dust constantly adding up to air - Dust is continuously adding up to the atmosphere causing air pollution. There is no one reason for this 'dust addition' to air.
Deforestation - Deforestation means cutting down trees in large numbers. The causes of deforestation are many. People cut down trees to draw quick benefits from them. Due to deforestation carbon dioxide increases. As a result, global ar occurs. Today due to global warming the sea level is rampant and many parts of the world are going to be engulfed.
Global warming
Acid rain.
Smog effect.
Climate change.
Deterioration of fields.
Extinction of animal species.
Respiratory health problems.
Deterioration in building materials.
Chemical sensitivity.
Skin damage
We all should become conscious of the growing air pollution and the need to take steps to make it free from pollution. Here are some ways to reduce Air Pollution:
1) The forest cover should protect. We need to plants more trees to maintain the quality of air in the environment. Every tree absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.
2) Green belts should create. Such areas should develop around densely populated cities. There should be strict conditions for the establishment of large buildings and industries along with the Green belt areas.
3) Automobile engines should redesign in such a way that their emissions cause minimum pollution. Old automobile engines should replace by new ones. People should encourage to share the vehicle and to avoid vehicles for short distances.
4) Use of railway steam engines should stop. The burning of flammable materials such as coal produces poisonous gases which mix with the air. Electric engines should use instead of steam or diesel engines.
5) Industrial areas should locate at a safe distance from the residential areas.
6) Newly design smoke-free furnaces should use.
7) Forest fires should check. Adequate preventive measures should adopt to protect the forests.
8) In industries there should an arrangement for pollution control.
9) Cheap devices for controlling air pollution should develop.
10) Air pollution can check only through the joint efforts of the government, non-government organizations, and the general public.
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